Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sympathy Father Father Experiencing Sympathy Pains?

Father experiencing sympathy pains? - sympathy father

Is it possible for a parent who hoped to experience the pain of sympathy, if not aware of this pregnancy?


Lisa E said...

I do not know, but the sympathy of the men appears to be growing stomach pain with me .... lol

Waiting on my baby girl!! said...

Yup ... .... normal and a bit of fun! Wit til you hear him, to complain about it and come to believe lol Are you kidding!

Waiting on my baby girl!! said...

Yup ... .... normal and a bit of fun! Wit til you hear him, to complain about it and come to believe lol Are you kidding!

jessica-... said...

Yes ... my friend when I was pregnant I had morning sickness .. eat much more .. and was very emotional ...

Kisses_x... said...

Yes! My husband did not know before pregnancy, and I thought the bug.After stomach, we learned that she was pregnant, I quickly had symptoms enjoy it while it lasts.

Kisses_x... said...

Yes! My husband did not know before pregnancy, and I thought the bug.After stomach, we learned that she was pregnant, I quickly had symptoms enjoy it while it lasts.

Kisses_x... said...

Yes! My husband did not know before pregnancy, and I thought the bug.After stomach, we learned that she was pregnant, I quickly had symptoms enjoy it while it lasts.

Kisses_x... said...

Yes! My husband did not know before pregnancy, and I thought the bug.After stomach, we learned that she was pregnant, I quickly had symptoms enjoy it while it lasts.

Dwayne' s mommy! said...

Yes, my boyfriend does! You will receive all requests and what not. Good luck and congratulations!

Hummingb... said...

LOL! If my husband had morning sickness, although milder than mine die. But he knew about the pregnancy. I think it is that you can feel my hormones, and stimulate the nervous system. A work of weird, like these things.

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