Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hip Pain While Sleeping Pain In My Hips While Sleeping?

Pain in my hips while sleeping? - hip pain while sleeping

When I sleep on my side, my hips so bad, the side I sleep in general. I have pillow between your legs, but I think so uncomfortable ... Do you think that affects negatively the lack of pillows on your hips? So when I wake up in the morning, my stomach is often very painful? What's happening?


Danny's Mommy 9/10/09 said...

I had the same problem, and I started sleeping with a pillow between the legs. This was not the most comfortable sleep in the first, but my hips felt much better after a few days. I ended up buying a pregnancy pillow, think of the Snoogle is called, and now the only pillows I sleep with. For indigestion, try a pillow under your belly for support while you sleep your hips and help.

_LOVE MY FAM_ said...

The same thing happened to me. It is really only for the baby. This occurs in late pregnancy, because his head is there and the pressure on the hips. I have not found really helps a lot, but I stayed with a pillow at the waist and the other between the legs. Seems a little help. I think it's really not much you can not really. I have tried everything.

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