Monday, January 18, 2010

Ovarian Cancer Month What Are My Chances Of Getting Ovarian Cancer If My Grandmother Had It & Passed Away From It?

What are my chances of getting Ovarian Cancer if my Grandmother had it & passed away from it? - ovarian cancer month

My grandmother died of ovarian cancer in 2002. I had a Pap smear that was negative, and had ovarian cysts each month during the last 1 1 / 2 years.

1 comment:

amandare... said...

The Pap smear does not recognize ovarian cancer - cancer of the cervix is visible.

I know it is a test for ovarian cancer. I can not remember if it can be seen in the DNA markers and to detect ovarian cancer - remember it is expensive and has a high rate of false positives, but for someone with a family HX of ovarian cancer, it might be useful. I want to talk to your doctor about your options.

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