Monday, February 15, 2010

Catchy Phrases For Costume Shop Can You Come Up With Good Catchy Phrases For The Planet Venus?

Can you come up with good catchy phrases for the planet Venus? - catchy phrases for costume shop

I'm doing a project, I am tempted, people want to come to the planet Venus. I need a good catchy phrases. HELP PLEASE!

1 comment:

gdwallis said...

In addition to being the star that appears tomorrow evening, Venus is covered with a layer of clouds, trains seemingly unbreakable always fascinated people.

Venus, your eternal reign
The whole race of men to obey.
- Euripides (c. 484-406 BC)

You need to dress the women, if present only for the pleasure that the Venus.
- George Moore (1852-1933)

Women are from Venus ... should appeal to the public.

You may suggest that although the provision of air conditioning systems.

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