Saturday, February 20, 2010

Nordstrom Lash Bar Help With Mascara?!?

Help with mascara?!? - nordstrom lash bar ~ 23 ...

Is that your natural lashes thicker and longer? And after 45 days worth of results, can u pull the mask and of course ur lashes longer / thicker?


skigirly... said...

Umm, I wouldnt think I am referring to 95 Bux for mascara? Maybelline receives only a mask or something good!

=) Hope that helps!

Lexi said...

so thats bullsh * t. get a real mask.

xo-AnaBe... said...

In fact, my aunt does it take until Christmas and it really works. I had never happen to a lot of money for him .. I am a little cheaper .. haha - but if you get the money to spend then go girl!

Sweet Girl said...

$ 95 Rip Off

Joy Full said...

I think not. The lashes fall out and grow again at about the time they pretend to be huge. Mascara $ 95.00 is ridiculous.

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