Sunday, February 7, 2010

Capillary Rash On Stomach Meningitis And Septicaemia?

Meningitis and septicaemia? - capillary rash on stomach


Sepsis is associated only with bacterial meningitis?

Meningitis is the outbreak of the rash itself, you get septicemia?

What are the causes of the outbreak of meningitis and sepsis? because it is really the red color on the surface of the skin? I think the rash of meningitis is due to capillary leak, but why this happens and is the same as the series of sepsis?

thank you x


Ѕɩᴌᴠᴇʀᴍɩ... said...

[Sepsis, blood poisoning] is by various causes. It is the result of meningitis, not a symptom of this. Meningitis infects the brain - the control center of the body, so with when the brain is in danger, many things can go wrong in the body.

kid on the block said...

Sepsis is, literally, blood poisoning (infection for example) in the blood. This happens in the later stages of infection with meningitis and is usually a sign of serious illness.

Other strains of the infection can also arise from the blood. The exact symptoms depend on the type of the disease. Sepsis The reason is so serious that every institution is involved, can cause localized infections tend to be easier to treat.

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